Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Glasgow Mummy
Touching Wood, Headless Chickens, Meeting myself coming back the way

This week has been mental! There is actually no other way to describe it, hence my writing my Smitten Saturday post on a Wednesday!! Expect Wednesday Wobbles some time on Sunday!

So in this journey to this point in time I've been a bit down, a bit unsure of my future here in Oz and just generally not myself. Its not in my nature to be inert, I'm definitely better with a project, a list, etc etc. So finally i decided to sign back up to Phoenix Trading. Literally the minute i did that i got a call to confirm a second interview in Sydney for a brilliant job here in WA.

So last week i re-entered the adult world, without children attached to my leg, wearing a suit, high heels, lippy, earrings, perfume....the works!! The interview went well, but possibly the highlight was i managed a wee vino with my mum, lunch with my brother, 6 wines and 3 movies on the plane (post interview)!!

Me & Mum on Balcony near Darling Harbour
Big bed, bath, wine YES!! Missing the kids NO!!

Meeting my bro for lunch

On Friday I hooked up with my friend Brenda from school. We haven't seen each other for 20 years and she reconfirmed to me that some of the funniest people i will ever know were brought up on that crazy wee island! It really was from One Island to Another, but it was as if no time had passed at all, there's so much to be said for people who knew you in those formative years.

Beautiful Flowers From Brenda T
On my return i got a call from another agency for a great job here in Perth, near the house and that's where i was on Tuesday. I got to the next stage with that and have spent most of tonight doing psychometric tests.

So why, touching wood, headless chickens, etc etc? Well I am feeling brilliant. Even if I don't get these jobs, its been great to realise i do have skills that are utilisable (after the shelf stacking rebuttal), I'm really positive about my wee cards business, i truly think there's mileage in it and I'm enjoying being busy, busy and juggling and being a wee bit stressed, it suits me!

So my smitten Saturday is that i'm in love with being in demand!! The chaos and the running about is brilliant and whilst I'm like that every day for the rest of the family I'm getting a buzz from doing stuff for me.

So please cross everything for me, touch some wood, say a little prayer whatever it may be and if you see me looking like a headless chicken point me in the right direction or buy me a wine x


Anonymous said...

Oh good! That was a happy post. Hope things stay varied and interesting for the next while. Enjoy the tests!

vickyv said...

Brilliant - fingers crossed! X

Unknown said...

great to hear that things are busy, but well with you :)